We offer a variety of services, including but not limited to:
Conservation Management Plans ~ Heritage Assessments and Planning Studies ~ Statements of Heritage Impact ~ Heritage Interpretation Design, Construction & Management Development Approvals ~ Subdivisions ~ Archival Recordings ~ Historic Research ~ Preliminary Site Investigation ~ Project Management ~ Statement of Environmental Effects ~ Adaptive Reuse & Conservation Works ~ Heritage Infill Development ~ Fine Art Building Portraits
These are a small selection of the projects we have completed over the last 15 years.
Emirates Wolgan Resort
Conservation and assessment of collection, design, construction and implementation of heritage interpretation for Wolgan homestead.
Statement of Environmental Effects, Traffic Impact Study & Vegetation Management Plan for subdivision of over 80 lots on sloping land.
“Sunray,” Leura
Statement of Heritage Impact for alterations and additions to building built by the Reschs family.
“Heatherbrae,” Lawson
Conservation Management Strategy for historic cottage, adaptive re-use & for community access.
Former TAFE, Lithgow
Statement of Environmental Effects, Statement of Heritage Impact & Conservation Management Plan for adaption to high dependency disability housing.
Statement of Heritage Impact for additions to existing house.